It's possible that half of NYC --and also London--knows Oberon. She is one of those people. Part punk, part publicist--a descriptor she loathes--Oberon was a Chinese soap opera star when she lived in Hong Kong in the 1980s ("I drove a polka-dot jeep and was followed by paparazzi. My catchphrase was 'Ding Dong!'"), has worked with --random list--Hermès, the Fat Radish restaurant, Island Records, Jack Spade, The Danish Fashion Institute, artist Dustin Yellin and Kale. She is famed for making kale hip and popular, having been hired by the American Kale Association. In fact she invented the American Kale Association. Like we said: Punk.
SHOP "BETTE DAVIS"S CLOSET ON REFASHIONER The style icon who was so much more than style. When I was fresh off the boat I was strolling down Fifth... View full details
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SHOP CANDY DARLING'S CLOSET ON REFASHIONER Yes, Candy Darling is sadly no longer with us. But she's my style icon so I borrowed her identity for... View full details